Own Your Education!




Dear Hanover Family,
We continue to be under stress to our educational system.  We have polled our staff and students and we are seeing approximately 50% either having sickness or living with someone who is sick.  In addition, our El Paso County positivity rate is sitting at 12.78% for Covid.  We also are seeing an increase of flu in the county.  Hospitals are also at capacity. This tells me that we need to continue remote learning.
It is understandable that we would have to struggle with this after we were so isolated last year. This is the last thing I want to do, but in order to nip this now I do not see a choice.  Teachers will continue teaching this next week and we will have a blessed Thanksgiving week to get well and share some family time with each other.  We have every intention of returning after Thanksgiving break.  At which time we will have a celebratory, albeit belated, Thanksgiving lunch for our students and staff.
There will be no athletics or athletic practices until Monday November 29th.  Coaches will be in contact with athletes as to schedules and procedures.  We will reschedule our December 2nd and 4th games, giving us time to meet the required practices for the December 11th game.
If you are considering getting vaccinated, or are in need of a booster, please consider taking this time to schedule your shots. We appreciate your support and understanding.  Please take this time to get well and recharge.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
N Kyle Cooper
Hanover School District